Sunday, December 8, 2019

My Online Footprint

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Personally I would say that my online digital footprint is relatively small, I don't really use social media the only accounts I have are for Snapchat and Google Plus which I don't really use at all.  The website linked above says "A digital footprint is all of the information online about a person wither posted by the person or others, intentionally or unintentionally."  That can be a very scary thought when you really think about it.  Its not that I don't like social media but I just don't have all that much that would be worth posting about, and I have no interest in being like the people that post their meals so that every one can know what they had for lunch.  Social Media is a great tool for so many people but I see it as nothing but a way for me to get myself in trouble and not even realize it.

I have thought about joining other social media platforms before but when I do I again realize that this would be a waste of time since I have nothing that would be worth posting.  The only time I really post anything on snapchat anymore is when I go on vacation and I would take a picture of the lake we go to in Maine just so people can see how great the underrated state of Maine really is.  I am not sure whether linkedin is considered social media or more of a job search engine but I do have an account for that which every once and a while I will get an email saying that there are some jobs that I should look at and apply through the site which is helpful and I am glad that I have that account to help get my name out in the world in a professional way.

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