Sunday, December 8, 2019

Diffusion of Innovations

Image result for Diffusion of Innovations

When I read about diffusion of innovations the first thing I thought about was Facebook.  Not to say that Facebook was a failure, that couldn't be further from the truth but with the way the site was used when it first came out compared to now there has definitely been decay in their sites users.  At first this was the innovation that rally jump started the social media trend that we live with now but most of their younger audience have packed up and moved on leaving just the older adults that mainly joined so that they could keep an eye on what their children were doing online.  

Facebook used to be used for everything social media but with the newer innovations of Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat this older site became obsolete to their original audience.  Everett Rogers who popularized the theory of diffusion of innovations argued that "diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated over time among the participants in a social system."  With that said I could clearly see that over time the communication among the original participants started to fade as they had started to move on to newer and "more interesting" social media platforms.  Facebook will probably be around for quite a while but will inevitably continue to fade in numbers of users.

Image result for Diffusion of Innovations

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