Sunday, December 8, 2019

Values of Free Expression

                                          Promoting Tolerance
                                     Image result for promoting tolerance pictures
The value that stood out to me the most is the value of promoting tolerance.  Promoting tolerance is a huge part of what this country is supposed to stand for and I truly believe that this is the most important of the eight values of free expression because if we can not tolerate our fellow citizens then what chance do we have in tolerating others outside our country.  This is also underrated because most people believe that they are extremely tolerant until something is said that they really don't like making them lose it a little bit.

Irina Bokova said in 2014 "Respect and tolerance are liberating acts, where by the differences of others are recognized as the same as our own and whereby the riches of other cultures are taken as the wealth of all."  This quote is an incredible inspiration showing us that others choices and beliefs do not have to be seen as confrontational but as a way for us to look deeper into who they are and learn to accept.  This value truly is the most meaningful to me because I try my hardest everyday to hear others opinions and accept them for who they are and what they believe in weather I agree with them or not.

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