Sunday, December 8, 2019

Media Consolidation

Media is an ever growing thing but there is not much growth in how many companies control the media. According to the website above "Media consolidation is the concentration of ownership of our news sources into the hands of fewer and fewer corporations."  When media really started to take off the government had to create a way to regulate it and that is why the FCC was developed in 1934.  After the FCC was founded they did a relatively good job at regulating how much control companies are allowed to have over the media and that was incredibly smart since you want to be able to have some trust in the media but in the 1980's, everything changed.  

The number of companies that were controlling 90% of everything we heard and saw in the media was now down to fifty.  Fifty companies were able to control the way the we stay up to date on what is happening in the world and in our country.  As of 2011 that same percentage had dropped down to six companies controlling everything we see and hear in the media.  In my personal opinion that is terrifying because we can't trust the media anymore.  Companies like these are now money making machines and are not going to want to do and say things that will loose rating and loose them money even if it is important.

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