Sunday, December 8, 2019


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Privacy is a huge part of everyday life in the sense that we want privacy.  The difference between wanting privacy and actually having privacy is a big one.  Take changing for example or going to the bathroom, everyone wants privacy when we do these things and in the U.S. that is actually given to us, there are laws in place making sure that we get our privacy when we are in those vulnerable positions.  We want privacy for certain things when we use technology and that is where the "creepy" stuff starts to happen, when we are talking about something we want and our phone is in our pocket and then google pops an add up showing you that product right after.  or when you post or email something that you want to be private and then more ads pop up showing similar things.  That is without a doubt an invasion of privacy.

The Ted talk about privacy with emails really stood out to me.  The reason why is simple the man speaking talked about a real way that you can send emails to anyone you want without having to be a tech genius and know that the person you sent it to is the only person that is able to view it.  This is a great innovation and I can see a lot of people joining just because they don't want companies or the government seeing their personal content.  The website listed below explains that "Email can sometimes feel intimate in the same way a private conversation does, but the reality is that email is anything but private."  This quote doesn't have to be true based on what Andy Yen from the Ted talk is saying, and hopefully in the future we will have a sense of privacy back for all of our online activities.

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