Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Supreme Court

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The Supreme Court is the highest court system in the United States Judiciary System.  They are in charge of making sure that both the other branches of the government and the courts below them are following the constitutional law set before them two hundred years ago.  There are nine justices each chosen by the president usually to serve for about sixteen years but not limited to sixteen.  About seven thousand cases that get brought to the supreme court every year and only about one hundred of those cases get approved by the justices to go through the system and come to a decision.  The justices meet once a week in order to discuss decisions of cases and for all the Justices to be able to speak their mind on what their opinions are on the case at hand. 

Each justice has a team of secretaries and law clerks that help in every way they can so that the justices can focus on making the correct decisions on each of their cases, including reading the written arguments of the lawyers for the cases and creating a memo of the most important part of the case for the justices to review before each case starts.  Even after the cases are over and it is up to the justices to sit down and discuss their cases and when they come to a majority after a few weeks of discussion a write up of the done of the case decision that can be rewritten multiple times by both the majority and the minority until the final drafts are done by the end of the term to have their final decisions delivered to the press and released to the public.

Image result for Supreme court

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