Sunday, October 13, 2019


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The Telegraph was the first real way to communicate through long distances.  Developed through the 1830's and 1840's Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail created this way of communication and on May 24, 1844 the first transmission went through saying "What Hath God Wrought", this signal went from Washington D.C. to Baltimore.  This was revolutionary using cables to send and receive long distant Messages.  It didn't take long to get the wireless telegraph and lay cables from America to Europe making it possible for people to communicate on different sides of the Atlantic as well as in the middle of the ocean.

The way that This communication worked was with a code created by Samuel Morse that would be called Morse Code.  This code used dots and dashes to translate into letters of the Alphabet making it easy to send codes back and forth that others couldn't understand.  This invention was the greatest discovery in Military communication basically until the telephone was created.  The code that most people remember is ...---... which means S.O.S or help.  I don't know if this was originally created as a military device but the Military defiantly had a greater use for this than any other random citizen would.  The Telegraph may not be used today but it is still a huge part of history that lead to other incredible creations nothing will ever change that fact.

Image result for telegraph

Mad World Remix

The Mad World Remix is a very interesting story, the way I see it is the "Mad World" is the world we live in where everyone is obsessed with image and how others look rather than seeing and accepting people the way that they are.  Everyone needs to be able to look within themselves and others so that they can truly accept who they are as a person.  "All around me are familiar faces, Worn out places, Worn out faces, Bright and early for the daily races, Going nowhere, going nowhere, Their tears are filling up their glasses, No expression, no expression, Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow, No tomorrow, no tomorrow".

This is verse one of the song and when you sing it or hear it all you feel is the sadness people feel about themselves for not being tall enough, smart enough, skinny enough, etc. People need to stop feeling so destroyed by everyday things and enjoy the life that they were given.  The only one who can give you the validation needed to feel like a worthwhile human being id yourself. When looking at the picture below I see the world on Fire and a person not taking action but posing so that they can show proof that they were their,  when did the world we live in become a literal "Mad World"
Image result for mad world remix of moby video