Thursday, August 29, 2019


Image result for marvel movie news DIsney Sony

In the field I would like to go into there is an issue right now between Disney and Sony and the rights to have Spider-Man in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe).  Sony owns the rights to Spider-Man and has been collaborating with Disney in order to allow Spidey to interact with the other Marvel Characters in the MCU.  After Spider-Man Far From Home came out Sony and Disney parted ways in their collaboration because Disney wanted to split profits 50/50 and Sony didn't think those terms were agreeable since things had been working fine until then. 

Whether this disagreement last is still unknown as the fans and actors are all extremely angry about the switch and some fans have even said they will boycott any Spider-Man movie that comes out that is not a part of the MCU which will have a serious effect on Sony's profits.  This was huge news in the industry and came with a ton of backlash.  Recently the two companies came to an agreement one again will share the characters rights putting Spider-man back in the MCU and back with the characters we love seeing him interact with.  Now that this deal has been made hopefully we get to see him blow up at the box office for disney but also possibly for Sony in their universe allowing us to maybe see Spider-man and Venom together which would be incredible.

Image result for marvel movie news DIsney Sony